Spice & Wolf's Anime Has Returned With a Big Reboot, But Is It Better Than the Original? (2025)


  • 2024 Spice & Wolf has superior visuals, lush outdoor scenes, and improved character designs.
  • The voice acting in both series is strong, but the 2024 anime has better music choices for a fantasy setting.
  • The pacing and depiction of Holo and Lawrence's dynamic set the 2024 adaptation apart from the 2008 version.

For the discerning anime viewer who wants a medieval romance adventure infused with a brilliant dose of economics, Spice & Wolf: Merchant Meets the Wise Wolf is a standard recommendation. This anime is among the more relaxed viewing experiences of the Spring 2024 anime season, yet it's surprisingly deep and endearingly written. But as many already know, it is not the first anime adaptation of Isuna Hasekura's 2006 light-novel-turned-manga series, Spice and Wolf.

Spice & Wolf's Anime Has Returned With a Big Reboot, But Is It Better Than the Original? (1)

Spice & Wolf had an original anime adaptation, which aired between 2008 and 2009, animated in parts by Imagin, Brain's Base, and Marvy Jack studios. To many, it holds special significance as a heartwarming, cerebral adventure prioritizing merchants over medieval warfare. In Sid Meier's terms, its protagonists, Kraft Lawrence and Holo, are aiming for an economic victory, not one of conquest. However, the new 2024 Spice & Wolf anime reboot is inevitably weighed against the original, so observing the crucial differences between where they appear is essential.


Critically Acclaimed Crunchyroll Fantasy Anime Returns With New Season

Crunchyroll's classic fantasy romance anime Spice and Wolf just announced a new season, and fans couldn't be more excited.

Comparing the 2024 Spice & Wolf Anime to the Original

Visual Hangups for Old Vs. New Shows Make a Comparison Easy Yet Layered

Spice & Wolf's Anime Has Returned With a Big Reboot, But Is It Better Than the Original? (3)

In terms of visual fidelity, accuracy of characters depicted, and overall color pallet, reboot has an easy lead over the 2008 adaptation. While both feature the same story and principal characters, the remake does a better job thanks to a generous and lush feel to outdoor scenes, although early scenes with the golden wheat fields can be blinding. The visual designs are also significantly improved in the new Spice & Wolf, such as by making its main cast look less sickly thin this time, a puzzling choice from the 2008 original.

However, the most significant visual aspect that improved in the 2024 Spice & Wolf anime and general animation is how Holo and Lawrence are designed. Holo looked far more generic in the original, but in the new show, the wolf spirit is brave, mischievous, and haughty, yet surprisingly delicate, as conveyed in her body language. The merchant Lawrence, meanwhile, is rendered fairly well throughout both shows but more consistently looks drawn like an adult man, and his shock upon initially discovering Holo is appropriate.

Holo looked far more generic in the original, but in the new show, the wolf spirit is brave, mischievous, and haughty, yet surprisingly delicate, as conveyed in her body language.

One key difference between the two shows is the lighting. The original 2008 Spice & Wolf is certainly more dimly lit throughout, although its daylit scenes, such as the market in Episode 3, are vibrant, and scenes of the pair traveling along the green countryside are lovely. However, even in darker scenes, the 2024 Spice & Wolf anime is more accessible to watch and follow, owing to the era's improved production values.

Spice & Wolf Looks Good on Parchment, But How Did Either Series Sound?

From Voice Acting to Music, Which Show Fares Better?

Spice & Wolf's Anime Has Returned With a Big Reboot, But Is It Better Than the Original? (4)

Comparing the audio quality between both shows is a more subtle experience, mainly because both are pleasing to the ear. The voice acting of the main cast is strong in both series, although supporting characters and background voices are rough in the 2008 English dub. As usual, the critical voices to follow are those of Holo and Lawrence, who are heard predominantly throughout the show. The 2008 original is a pleasant highlight in this regard, with Brina Palencia portraying Holo well. She and J. Michael Tatum's Lawrence were so well-received that they returned for the 2024 remake.

However, the music of both series is also vital, and the only difference is felt between the 2008 and 2024 anime's opening and ending title music selections. The 2008 original was ostensibly fine, but so far, the 2024 Spice & Wolf anime does a better job selling viewers in the fantasy setting while promising a relaxed yet exciting journey. The 2024 anime's ending title song, "Andante," especially evokes a medieval fantasy setting on the cusp of the Early Modern Era, complete with woodwinds, accordion, and joyful percussion.

Evaluating Both Series Against the Original Light Novels

Subtle Differences Begin to Show Between 2008 and 2024 Spice & Wolf Anime

Spice & Wolf's Anime Has Returned With a Big Reboot, But Is It Better Than the Original? (5)

While both anime adapt the original Spice & Wolf light novel and manga well, their overall pace and story focus seem more on par with the books in the 2024 series. However, both shows do a marvelous job of expanding on the world Hasekura creates, such as in both instances featuring in-depth identification of varying in-world currencies not found in their corresponding light novel, Volume #1. While the books mention Trenni silver coins early on, both anime show impressive detail and intricacy to an economy constantly adjusting and minting new coins to reflect the current kingdom in power.

This results in both anime rattling off a list of currencies for Holo to remember, including the following:

  • Trenni silver coins
  • Mitzfing Sacred Birthday Festival silver coins
  • Philing silver coins
  • Illaid silver coins
  • Fake Marinne silver coins
  • Farum silver coins
  • Calvous King Lambardo silver coins
  • Mitzfing Cathedral silver coins
  • Fake Mitzfing Cathedral silver coins
  • Holy Mitzfing silver coins
  • Bald King Ranbalt silver coins
  • Lute silver coins

It's less critical that each is a silver coin and more important that each anime conveys the ludicrous array of currencies that are both in circulation and accepted. Based on the purity of their silver, the countries they represent, and their density, these coins are an important early example of the series' intricate economic gimmick. While it won't matter to the average viewer what these coins are, it matters to Hasekura that they exist and help convey a changing world, according to an interview translated on The-O Network. It's absurd that these scenes are identical between shows, yet both are expansions on the source material, not mere adaptations.

Pacing & the Three Episode Rule: How Spice & Wolf 2008 and 2024 Compare

For New Viewers, This Classic Rule of Thumb May Make a Difference

Spice & Wolf's Anime Has Returned With a Big Reboot, But Is It Better Than the Original? (6)

The 2008 and 2024 anime reach the same conclusions in Episode 3 of their respective adaptations for Spice & Wolf passing the Three Episode Rule test, namely with Holo swindling a trader with Lawrence's furs and some clever apple placement. However, the two shows pace themselves differently in how they handle subplots. One notable instance of this comes in the 2008 show's Chloe scene, an unnecessarily long interaction between her and Lawrence, which is absent in the 2024 show and for good reason: it slows the story to a halt. It pulls focus from Lawrence's discovery of Holo.

However grating the side character interactions may be, the shows remain similarly paced so far, although the new series has the potential to flesh out more stories as Spice & Wolf 2024 continues. The new series is set for two consecutive cours, unlike the 2008 original, which has twenty-five episodes split across two seasons; the new series will unlikely rush to the 2008 show's conclusion. As the original Spice & Wolf anime progressed, the pace started quickening severely, sometimes resulting in roughly three volumes of content being covered in six episodes. The 2024 remake shouldn't do the same.

Holo and Lawrence's Dynamic Remains the Most Important Metric

In Spice & Wolf, the Ultimate Draw is This Pair's Chemistry

Spice & Wolf's Anime Has Returned With a Big Reboot, But Is It Better Than the Original? (7)

Whether readers and viewers got into the series through the light novels, manga, or anime series, the most significant point of discussion for Spice & Wolf is about Holo and Lawrence. The two are an unlikely pair, a traveling merchant and the stowaway wolf god who blesses the local village's crops for a bountiful harvest. The pair go through a lot together, which is conveyed reasonably well in both series, although with subtle caveats giving each show an edge at different times.

While both shows do an excellent job bringing this pair together, moments like Episode 3 are rendered differently. The revelation about Holo's apple-scented deception was more overtly spelled out in the 2024 remake. Still, the reveal in the 2008 original is more organic and has a fascinating twist that viewers can observe as it unfolds. However, the more interesting difference is in Episode 4 when Holo lets her vulnerable side show, her loneliness and longing for old friends prompting Lawrence to embrace her.

In the original anime, Lawrence grabs Holo and clasps her against his chest, but in the remake, he sits next to her and gives her a shoulder to lean on. Here, a key difference is how Lawrence is characterized as an empathetic character looking to give Holo space to trust him in the 2024 remake, whereas the 2008 show seems more of a romantic cliche. It's subtle but wins viewers over not only Lawrence but Holo as she sees this moment as a way to deepen her bond with Lawrence.

Holo and Lawrence are vital to one another, and each show communicates well, but Spice & Wolf 2024 does it better. While the new show overall has a better appeal to modern audiences, nostalgia and curiosity are still excellent justifications to check out the 2008 original. But for those wondering where to go after Spice & Wolf, don't forget, there's always the sequel Wolf and Parchment next.

Does Spice and Wolf Have Filler?

A Common Concern Among Prospective Anime Viewers

Despite the original Spice and Wolf belonging to an era when anime adaptations would more commonly have large amounts of filler like Naruto, Spice and Wolf's 2008 anime only has mild filler, while 2024's anime seems to have none. What constitutes filler in this case is episode #7 of the first season, as listed on Crunchyroll, and "Wolf and Amber Melancholy" as they're OVA adaptations of short stories from later light novels in the series. What's fascinating about the 2024 remake, however, is that the series still keeps pace with the 2008 original, down to the episode count.

Much of the Story Stays the Same

Spice and Wolf 2024 Seems Poised to Adapt

Spice & Wolf's Anime Has Returned With a Big Reboot, But Is It Better Than the Original? (8)

The events of Spice and Wolf, save for liberties taken in terms of what details either show focuses on, follow a similar pace even as the 2024 anime approaches its two-cour season finale. For comparison's sake, episode #17 of the new series is essentially the same narrative experience as season 2, episode #4 of the 2008 series, meaning fans of the original might not experience much of a surprise. It's a pretty reasonable draw for newcomers, though, giving them more reason to skip the 2008 original, provided Spice and Wolf: Merchant Meets the Wise Wolf avoids 2008's omissions.

It raises additional questions, perhaps most importantly, whether there will be future seasons that would truly tip the scales in favor of the 2024 Spice and Wolf reboot.

The most important comparison will come with future episodes concerning whether volume #4 gets adapted, as the 2008 Spice and Wolf anime did not adapt this light novel. It raises additional questions, perhaps most importantly, whether there will be future seasons that would truly tip the scales in favor of the 2024 Spice and Wolf reboot. The entire run of Spice and Wolf's light novels consists of fourteen main story novels, three side story novels, and seven "Spring Log" books before the sequel series Wolf and Parchment even enters the equation, so there'd be plenty of material.

Spice and Wolf 2024 Makes Subtle Visual Storytelling Changes

It's the Little Things That Count

Spice & Wolf's Anime Has Returned With a Big Reboot, But Is It Better Than the Original? (9)

One of the most interesting details about the original and remade Spice and Wolf anime stories is examining how the animation staff, including a returning director and even returning voice actors, can reframe the story's events. One of the best recent case studies is once again in episode #17 of the 2024 series, where Lawrence's predicament regarding Amati's intentions to marry Holo, and the scheme Lawrence hatches in response. The narrative details are essentially the same, with him trying to offload his pyrite at market price while manipulating wheat prices to cause a price crash on pyrite.

By comparison, the lighting in episode #17 of the remake has the two meeting after dark. In contrast, others are asleep, playing up the shadiness of the deal, a nice subtle difference.

Lawrence's meeting with Marc Cole is where the visual differences lie between the episodes; in the original, they're in a well-lit area, counter to the shady intentions of Lawrence's proposal of the deal. After all, this affects the price of wheat, a commodity especially treasured during the season, and any action interfering with its commercial position could severely affect those who try to manipulate it. By comparison, the lighting in episode #17 of the remake has the two meeting after dark. In contrast, others are asleep, playing up the shadiness of the deal, a nice subtle difference.

Spice and Wolf still has yet to conclude its 2024 series run, but fans of the original have not been disappointed, while new viewers are rapidly adding to their numbers. Time will soon tell whether the series follows patterns similar to other niche two-cour anime, like The Apothecary Diaries, which is getting a second season. But for now, Spice and Wolf is a strong series for those seeking obsessive attention to detail in a medieval-inspired economy and a delightful, iconic romance.

Spice & Wolf's Anime Has Returned With a Big Reboot, But Is It Better Than the Original? (10)
Spice and Wolf: Merchant Meets the Wise Wolf (2024)





Spice and Wolf: Merchant Meets the Wise Wolf follows the journey of Kraft Lawrence, a traveling merchant, who encounters Holo, a deity who takes the form of a wolf and a young woman. Together, they traverse medieval landscapes, engaging in economic adventures while forging a unique bond. This 2024 adaptation introduces new audiences to the rich blend of fantasy and commerce originally captured by Isuna Hasekura's beloved series.

Jun Fukuyama , Ami Koshimizu

Release Date
April 2, 2024

Main Genre

Source: The-O Network, @kusuriya_PR

Spice & Wolf's Anime Has Returned With a Big Reboot, But Is It Better Than the Original? (2025)
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